Sunday, August 15, 2010

The boys are are home.  The Eagle came home today and JackRabbit came home Thursday.  They had both been gone since Sunday.  I would like to say it is wonderful to have have them home and that I missed them terribly.  Instead tonight I find myself really sad with them both home tonight.  At first it was so sweet to see them together.  JackRabbit was so looking forward to his brother coming home.  He came bounding out of the house when they pulled up and helped his brother take things into the house.  They walked around with there arms around each other for about fifteen minutes.  Then things began to deteriorate.  Within the hour they were back to kicking and pushing each other, Eagle making threats and JackRabbit being passive aggressive and avoiding responsibility.  Kodak moment over.

As for me and the Eagle, he had been gone for a week with absolutely no contact with me because of his location in the wild and ...nothin'.  No show of emotion.  No "I missed you Mom.".  I hugged him - might as well have hugged the tree.  I asked him to sit with me and tell me about his trip... he sat on me and didn't say much.  Then within about an hour came the set up, "Mom can we go to the store so I can spend the rest of my vacation money?" He knew the answer and I knew what the next hour would look like.  Big sigh.  I was hoping for an evening.  Just one.  A little emotion, maybe even a tiny bit of desire to make a connection.    But as is all too frequently the case, my hopes and expectations were nothing more than salt in the wound, stinging and irritating.

I want to have some profound little nugget to wrap this up, but I don't.  So I guess I will sign off and maybe I will come up with a nugget later.

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